We have been without our computer for nearly two months now. Of course it had to happen right during the holidays. Well despite some nasty winter storms here in MI we survived and had a great Christmas with the kids. The first thing that happened on December 17, 2008 was the adoption of Isaac, Olivia and Savanna all at once. What a wonderful and long-awaited event. We are going to have an open house for them in the spring. We had three Christmas parties to attend. We also battled double ear infections and pneumonia, but we made it through. I am just going to post a bunch of pics to catch us up.....
I'm a mom of six. I'm writing about things that I enjoy which include: whole foods, nourishing foods, eating locally, organic foods, homesteading, frugal living, homeschooling, healing foods, adoption, babywearing, attachment parenting, and natural remedies.